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Friday, October 09, 2009

I know my blog is super deaddddd :D so i shall update it today since its f.a :))) and its

091009!!! :)

if exams ended a week earlier i would have enough time to prepare for farewell .assembly and write more notes and stuff D:!!!! hahahaha! well, the good thing was that i brought my camera but the thing is...... i only have one picture :) hahahaha i wanted to find alot of people today but due to my lack of preparation i was folding cranes with ziqi and jac in the library from the end of our papers till 1.25! :)

hahahah then we ran to the hall!~~~ F.A was amazing :)))))) love the videos and stuff :D hahahahah yknow if i get promoted (hope) , we'll all be seeing our own videos next year. how cool is that? :D Beyond cool!~~~ Hahahhaha and i passed my file to a curie house leader from 4S1!!!! :))) Hahahah :D

I will miss the sec 4s alot :(( omg can you imagine it? on monday when we return, those classrooms will be ... empty ._. you wont see people walking around on the first floor of the echo and futura block or on the second floor of the futura block. :/ well, except for 3g1 that is haha :D but still :/ omg and i would have died today if i didnt see my angels :( hahah good thing Heaven was kind enough to me to let me meet them even though they had left the hall :DDDD hahaha yay :) which is why im a happy child :DDDD yet nostalgic at the same time. :(

when i go to the canteen, i wont get to ask someone where my letter is, i wont get to call someone lee cheok wei, i wont get to call someone phyton woman, someone to thank for chem redox, two people who will imitate my actions and laugh at me, someone to talk about 9degreescelcius+ adam lambert , someone who will say ' eh have you been going for choir??? D<' ' if not, you better go okay!' , someone to camwhore with. :/ and many other someones :/

In the event that i do actually (promote), i will miss alot of someones next year too D: hahahaha k enough of missing someones :)anyway, today was awesomeeeee ;D took lots of pics, got swung round and round and round and rounddd omg hahaha that was scaryyyyy but fun haha :D okay i shall end this post with


Blogged @ 11:28 PM
Saturday, July 11, 2009

It's alright, It's okay
things will get better. What's not worth fighting for?
what matters is that you tried.
so, cheer up!!! :D
you're a great friend and nothing can change that. :)

Blogged @ 6:12 PM
Monday, June 15, 2009

whoo it seems like a really long time since i've last updated ;o HAHAHHA i seriously need to watch movies! :D NATM2, transformers etc. :)

this post is dedicated to shannon and amanda since they want me to update :P kbye!

Blogged @ 9:06 PM
Sunday, April 12, 2009

this is week is totally awesome hahaha :D
saw 10 mins of my all-time favourite parade forever! :) been watching it since sec 1 ! haha.
easter party at botanical gardens! HAHAHHA it was damn damn damn fun! pictures are on facebook!~ :)
outing with shu zhen was really fun! :D hahahah we went to watch handsome suit which was really funny plus shu zhen's hunches all coming true and all that hahah :D will attach pictures in a picture post? hahaha k. we spent a really long time taking pictures! <3 :DDD like around 150 pics or more? hahah :D cam-whores!
till then toodles! <3

Blogged @ 8:05 PM
Sunday, February 22, 2009

HAHAH i have updated :D

had to retake my ting xie :/ but i got 28/30 on my first re-take! :DDDD
after ting xie, went to vivo city with geraldine,karyee and stacey! we wanted to watch he's just not that into you but ended up watch Pink Panther 2 :D i didn't watch the first one though D:
it was really funny! :) and we bought teeth from action city! 8) thanks for being so awesome! :D wanted to take pictures together but karyee and geraldine said no :O nvm i shall take candid shots of both of you! :P and stacey too >=)
pick up lines on monday! :D

Blogged @ 10:01 PM
Thursday, February 12, 2009

OMG i can't believe i spent the whole day looking for the crezawards voting thing :( i finally found it though! vote at! http://portal.crescent.edu.sg/Student%20Portal/Lists/Crezawards%202009/overview.aspx

whee! :) didn't go to school today! ): i miss 3S1!! i sprained my left shoulder so i couldn't go to school. MAHAHAHHA! tomorrow you shall get bombarded by my chocolates and sweets if you're lucky! :)))

ps. shannon, don't forget my present (:

Blogged @ 8:15 PM
Sunday, January 18, 2009

to you.
thanks so much for caring about me and all. it really means a lot. you made me realise that sometimes when you care about something you have to show it instead of just saying it and not meaning it. I know , for one, that its not as easy as it looks but if  you try hard enough i guess there'll be results. what you said today really made me understand what a true friend's like and even though sometimes they scold you for doing things you shouldn't do, they 'll always be there for you no matter what, in one way or another. thanks. :)

Blogged @ 11:44 PM