♥ Thursday, August 28, 2008
HAHAH :D I stole this from melissa >D HEH!
Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real places, names and/or objects, but nothing made up! Try to use different answers if the person you got this from has the same first initial. You CAN’T use your name for the boy/girl name
question. And Have Fun With It!
1) 4 LETTER WORD: Jump! :D
2) BOY NAME: Joe Jonas! :DDD hahahha. i bet adele wishes she had my name (:
3) GIRL NAME: Josephine! :D haha.
4) OCCUPATION: Jouster? o.o
5) A COLOR: Jelly Blue! (:
6) SOMETHING YOU WEAR: Jacket! :D hahaha.
7) BEVERAGE: Juice! :D
8) FOOD: Jelly! :D
10) A PLACE: JAPAN!!!! <3 HAHA :D
11) REASON FOR BEING LATE: Jumping jaguars gave me the jitters? (: HEH.
HAHAHH :D did some quizzes today and found out that i have an IQ of 142 and that I am worth 1.85 million. YAY ((: hahah. Tomorrow's Teachers's Day!!! HAHAHA ((: I'm going back to RGPS to visit the teachers then go and watch Mad about English :DDDDD WHOO! ~

HumanForSale.com -
Fun Quizzes

Free-IQTest.net -
Free IQ Tests
♥ Monday, August 25, 2008
I managed to watch the rhythmic gymnastics and it was AMAZING! HAH. :D The gymnasts are just so flexible and the moves are just awesome. ((:
Today I waited for my dear angel to give me my letter but she told me she left it in class D: I spent a total of two hours waiting for her to finish doing her NC stuff and then she went to play basketball. ._. Me and chen ting were the "cheering squad" :D
We received the remainder of our common tests results and i got an A1 for english! YAY! :D ahhaha. Theng hui got the highest in class with a score of 38/40. haha she's so smart x]]
okay i've a date with my shows. ttyl <3
♥ Saturday, August 23, 2008
HAHHAHA :D i have nothing better to do for now so i shall post some error pictures (: Do read them! They are quite interesting. :D

♥ Thursday, August 14, 2008
changed blogskin again. ;D it's been like 3 times? For Navigations, just click on the words and the tagboard, profile and links will appear :D Maths and science common tests were today and they were such killers ._. ah well. I want to buy the twilight series and see what the stories are about (: From what i have heard, it seems like quite an interesting story about vampires :D heh. Channel 8 dramas are so cliche -.- they always repeat the same kind of story line over and over again. For example, there will be 3-4 main characters , 2 guys and 2 girls or 1 girl. The two guys will fight for one of the girls and there will be a love triangle. Then, the girl picks one of the guys and gets married etc. sighs ._. I love the Olympics :D i can't wait till the ryhthmic gymnastics event comes along according to wan yu :D whoo. Twirling ribbons and such. :DDDD
Michael Phelps is just AMAZING x]] he's got like 11 golds in his Olympic career and is earning tons of money. Plus, he's good looking. HAHAH. i hope he wins the next swimming competition he goes for. :D i must dedicate a post to him (: HAHAHA. DIYAN, MICHAEL PHELPS IS HOT! (: WHEE!
toodles. :D
♥ Monday, August 11, 2008
WHOO! :D i love watching the Beijing Olympics 2008 (: The synchronised swimming was just amazing and the swimming medley was so nice x]] anyway, the common tests are starting tomorrow D: kays, better get back to geography mugging ._.
♥ Saturday, August 09, 2008
HAPPY 43 rd BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE!!! (:it's about time i changed my blogskin and my url :D hahah. anyway, i want to watch money no enough 2. LOL. i was watching the advert and the people were like "NO MORE ERP! NO MORE ERP!" HAHAH. anyway, I am watching the NDP 08 parade now <3
ttyl (:
♥ Saturday, August 02, 2008
I guess that blogging once a week isn't as bad as not blogging the whole month :D okay. Today was GREAT! :D Mum just bought me three new tops which look nice! I feel uber happy now! Anyway, i can't wait till national day! x]] the choir's gonna be performing the national day songs during community singing xD lol. i hope i manage to remember all the lyrics if not you'll be watching me trying to mouth some of the lyrics. HEHEH :DD i just learnt about set notation during maths tuition today and almost the whole class fell asleep during the lesson as there was so much stuff to memorize x.x I am in dire need of new phone. My nokia phone which has been with me for 1 year and 7 months is starting to spoil D: I heart 2S1 and choir and everyone! :D
good luck for the common tests! :D