♥ Sunday, March 30, 2008
I am so loving the Japanese series Janice introduced to me :D i just watched finished season 2 today (: watched finish hana yori dango season 1 and season 2 :D haha HYD is the love (: Thanks jie jie for introducing it to me xD RUI is so cute :D The last episode of season 2 was SO NICE! (: It really was a happy ending for Makino and Tsukasa. Sadly, she didn't end up with Rui D: but it was really nice of him to give up on Makino because of his friendship with Tsukasa. Hahah but there is one common thing about HYD1 and HYD2 's ending. Makino and Tsukasa both kiss at the end during both of the seasons :X lols :D HYD <333 RUI <3333 :D I shall now dedicate this post to pics of him :D haha (: I can't wait till the Final movie comes in 28 June but it'll take a while to reach Singapore D: anyway gambatte everyone! (:

Rui :D

Rui and Makino :D

soujiroh, akira and Rui :D
♥ Friday, March 28, 2008
Hey all :D I just loved the sports carnival this year. It was WAY better than having cross country which is like so tiring even though it is a lil' fun but the sports carnival is WAY better :DD haha. its fun to cheer and watch the one minute of fame and of course watch the competitors race :D so exciting! haha :D I went shopping with jose today and we bought pumps :D we spent like 2 hours walking around Far East Plaza and finally went back to the store we first went to. ._. lol :D anw we also bought fried mars bars to eat! :D They're seriously delicious! :D one bite and you'll taste the sweetness of the mars bar and the crunchiness of the batter that they fry the mars bars in :D yummy! (: hee hee . :D I was supposed to watch Step Up 2 with mun teng and janice today but we were all not free D: nvm.... i hope Step Up 2 still shows on tuesday. (: I've been wanting to watch it for like forever. :D okay :D I'll go watch Hana - Yori - Dango too now :D thanks janice jie jie for introducing it to me :D SHUN is so cute :D SHUN <333 oh yeah. my cousin just introduced me to some how to be ninja , gangster, emo and nerd videos by ryan higa :D haha. LOL he's so funny (: anyway i'll go watch HYD2 now :D cya <3
♥ Friday, March 21, 2008
HAPPY GOOD FRIDAY!!! :D lols i wanted go out today but most of my friends had to stay at home D: sighs. lol anyway :D make sure you catch this week's top 20 countdown on 987 fm kays? :D i wonder which song got no. 1 this week (: it's from 8pm-10pm so make sure u listen to it :D hmm...nth much happened today but i hope they'll still show step up 2 this wednesday =x i have not watched it >
< heheh. Our house com painted this big P on our faces. its kinda easy to smudge it since it was raining heavily yesterday =x i also have to post some over-due photos :D heheh. enjoy (:
P for pankhurst :D
heheh :D pankhurst rocks ^^
CLASS PHOTO <333 :D love 2S1 forever :D
♥ Thursday, March 20, 2008
we had sports carnival today. :D it's way much better than having cross country -.- there are more events and plus we get to cheer more, eat more, drink more and of course rest more :D yay. lols . During the running events, there was this sec 1 pankhurst house girl who participated in a lot of events and she ran really fast. o.o like when they just started she was way in the lead. :D YAY PANKHURST ROCKS :D hahah. oh yea. The one minute of fame contestants were really very talented (: I guess my favourite part of the sports carnival would be watching people run and cheering for the pankhurst runners :D clara thinks so too (: Watching people run is just so exciting and you kinda feel like running yourself too! :D Sadly, we didn't get to see the teacher's race. That would have been fun to watch :D oh yea.... I want to watch step up 2! :D anyone wants to watch with me? :D toodles <3
♥ Wednesday, March 19, 2008
hey all (: we did our play today :D well, even though our group finished the script on the day itself, it went quite well. We got second! :D haha yay! lol. Josephine's group got first :D They had to go to the P.A.T to film their play but Amanda had to go home so they asked me to play her part since I was Bassanio too >< heheh anyway i love our drama group :D many loves <3 you were all great (: well, in the P.A.T , there was a group who were singing their ALL their lines and it was kinda funny how they sang it xD I wanted to laugh but it was being filmed so we had to keep quiet =x oh yea.... on monday when i train-ed home with ariel and my other choir seniors , I asked them what roles they played in this play and it seems that most of them play Bassanio too :D lol. hahah i will go watch romantic princess now :D cya <3
♥ Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Hey all :D tried to blog yesterday but while i was blogging my tpc suddenly closed all my browser windows. okay about yesterday :D I spent almost the whole day watching heroes <333 I <3 heroes :D HOLIDAYS! <3 i have to finish all my homework today as i am going to choir camp tomorrow. Well, it's called choir camp but basically, its just going to the school from 9-5 on thurs and fri. oh yea ... I went to tiong with adele, clara chin and si hui yesterday and clara chin keeps spitting ice at me D: rawr. lol. later on, i met mun teng :D she asked me and janice if we wanted to watch THE EYE but janice couldn't go coz of orienteering and I just didn't want to watch horror films =x heheh :D okay i'll come back later :D need to clear my huge stack of hw (:
♥ Tuesday, March 11, 2008
today was quite a good day except for the fact that my ch outing was cancelled as many people couldn't make it but at least we're serving this week :D yay! lols. It's been raining a lot lately around the area near my house. Seems like it's monsoon season. oh well... I was late for my science class today >< but i'm lucky mr goh didn't scold me (: okay i have to go now :D
♥ Sunday, March 09, 2008
i made mashed potatoes with cheese for my breakfast. it was so
delicious (: i am currently loving the song low by florida feat. t.pain :D heheh it is really very nice to listen to. Just got some new songs transferred into my computer. (: low, teardrops on my guitar and bleeding love :D haha. I talked to janice last night and she said that Fujitsu doesn't like me as they didn't give me the black cloth to clean the TPC. D: Well, I checked all my Fujitsu stuff this afternoon but i couldn't find the black cloth D: I was the only one who went for my swimming lesson today as the others were all having a holiday D: I missed the Ignyte sports day event yesterday coz my mother didn't allow me to go as she thinks i spent too much time in church D:gosh there are so many projects and homework to do that you can't even count them -.- our march holidays now are well, not really march holidays i guess . :x Anw snail here's to you getting good marks for your next major exam :D jiayou snail <3 lol me and yiklam have made up this jie and mei laughter. lols. its really low. :D haha ok i have to go and do my homework now. cya <3
♥ Wednesday, March 05, 2008
:D hahah i'm like posting every single day now since i got my tablet. :D i was reading janice's blog about her and yiklam typing the flying fox jumps over the lazy dog with their eyes closed. LOL xD it was so funny. They even wrote jumps as humps. ahhaha :D lols . lynn said that i love science coz i am a sick person today. LOL :D hehheh. 3G1 share a thought was today! <3 lol it was so funny. They named all their amazing race groups after the blocks in our school. :x lol i am going to watch romantic princess now <3 i love wu zun :DDDDD
we have so much lit holiday homework! D: haiz...and as always our holidays aren't really holidays. hahah :D still have to come back for science lesson and choir camp :X oh well... anyway :D i have to go now cya :D
♥ Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Haha :D I’m blogging with janice jie jie now <3 lols (: we’ve just got back out literature paper and I just passed :D I got __/25! (: yay. We went to see desiree type just now. O.o she types super fast like about 109 words per minute o.o super fast man. Anw I have not gone on msn for like ages! D: but I got it installed in my tablet already (: hahaz our class blog is like so dead! I mean, nobody blogs on it D; but I blogged on it last Sunday :D our class blog’s tagboard is also filled with people who spam -.- anw I am going to play the speed test with jie jie now :D it seems to be the latest class craze since a lot of people are playing it now xD cya :D
Hahah jie jie also type quite fast :D She types 76 words per minute (: heheh I need to jia you :D lolz I hope that when we get our history paper tomorrow, I hope I will pass :D yay! Home ec was boring today D: except for the part where we made curry <3 heheh curry and roti prata is so nice to eat (: jie jie is eating roti prata now. Bad jie jie D: lols :D I’m like blogging with her almost everyday :D hahah. Ahh…we’re having history field trip this Friday which coincides with my lunch with jose and kelly D: sighs ):
Lol. That was written in school (: anw shan sent me to the MRT today ((: thanks shan. LOL. I met ruth while I was with wanyu and shan at the yishun bus interchange (: hahah we went to look for a wallet for her but we couldn't find any nice ones ): SIGH.... then we decided to go to U.R.S and inc the shoe shop (: but it was quite a disappointment as the shoes weren't really up to our expectations. D: anw I better go now still have tons of hw to do (: wishing everyone luck in their history common test results tmr <3
♥ Monday, March 03, 2008
Yay :D I am blogging with janice jie jie :D heheh.
Lols. I <3>i'm insanely mad with joey lee cos she got so high high high in common test!!!!
LOL. haha :D anw i can't wait till friday (: going to have lunch with jose and kelly
Yay :D I am blogging with janice jie jie :D heheh. Lols. I <3 my tablet! Yay we just got back our english results (: and I passed! Woo~ hoo~ lol that was totally influenced by my church :D we’re having this sports day event this saturday and the title of the event is woo~ hoo~. They keep on making us say that so...yea :D heheh. (: shannon still owes me a letter D: but i owe 5 people a letter !_! ahh...oh yea today the sec 2 ncc people were having their orienteering thing :D JIA YOU! (: lols now I am in the foyer waiting for shan's mum to come :D
Adele- My poor tablet... The battery is running out now and the plastic thingy on the FUJITSU LIFEBOOK label in the front came off:( So sad... Anw, good job Joey on scoring well on the EL CT and being the highest(: And also for improving your maths so tremendously:D You sure made a big leap. Make sure you do better for the upcoming Mid-Years(: Wow, i blog a lot hor(: Ahhaha..
i'm insanely mad with joey lee cos she got so high high high in common test!!!! LOL. haha :D anw i can't wait till friday (: going to have lunch with jose and kelly
♥ Sunday, March 02, 2008
Heheh :D After a ONE year plus wait for my tablet PC, I finally got them yesterday! <3 WOO~ HOO~ lols that was totally random (: anyway i just love my tablet <3 haha :D haiz...we've been waiting for the tablet for like ages. D: oh well i decided to dedicate this post to the oh-so lovable tablet :D oh and li jung ki is so cute <3 i'm watching my girl now (: its such a touching show. Snail... cheer up alrites (: we'll ace our mid-years together <3 and i AM applying life support to my blog okay snail :D haha i can't wait till i'm done installing audi onto my tablet! I can finally try 8k on the laptop <3 lols . I have also just bought my first skinny jeans :D woo~ anyway, i am going to busy myself with writing 5 letters now. toodles <3