♥ Friday, February 29, 2008
Hey all :D its been a super long time since i last posted >.< anw i just got back my maths common test today. I finally passed :D heh. ^^ I got 34/40 xD anyway if you are a fahrenheit fan, you can check out this website which sells fahrenheit goods :D www.styleshock.blogspot.com :D I went to icekimo with wanyu today :D We had strawberry cheescake,horlicks and nutella ice-cream. oh yea... there was no mass run today again xD actually, we've only had two mass runs since school started. :D gosh. I'm feeling so hungry. I better go get some food to eat. (: I am on a gain weight diet and by the way ice cream is good for losing weight :D good luck for you common test results everyone and.....
Happy Leap Year and Happy Birthday LAURA and EVA :D

learning journey :D

(from top) see min,wei shan ,jose and me :D

me and shan xD

hahah :D ah long and fann wong

Lynn, hongyi and beaver :D lol
♥ Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Hey all! :D Today is like the BEST day ever! (: MASS RUN WAS CANCELLED!!!!!!! Whoo~ :D haha yea man! we were all sitting in the parade square waiting when i suddenly felt a rain drop and i was like OMG its gonna rain there will be no mass run but wei shan, wanyu and jose didn't believe me at first and then suddenly more rain drops fell on us :DDD isn't that great? yay :D anw i wasn't really in the condition to run today as i had just recovered from my fever. heheh. A good start to the day isn't it? :DDD well, when we got back to class i found out that i didn't fail my history test! :D yay! i got 8/10 :DDD haha. Apparently, i still owe diyan, shannon and pooja a letter again ._. being sick for many days does have advantages and disadvantages. I miss choir yesterday as well D; I also missed many class tests !_! like the LIT test and the chinese compo test. Chinese compo class today was quite okay teh teacher allowed us to bring the compos home to write instead of keeping us there the whole day to write the compo until we were finished :DD A great day indeed. Oh yea! I also got a lollipop from winzu. thanks winzu :D