♥ Tuesday, June 19, 2007
^^ i am so happy! i just finished my June Holiday Maths assignment which took forever to do T-T ahh finally! :D yipee! problem is i can't find the correct books for the book review and that is driving me crazy ): better make a quick trip to the library b4 sch starts and b4 my choir practices. (: can't wait to go back to sch!! and i thought the holidays were long but apparently they're not even though i didn't go overseas this year. D: anyways even if i go overseas, i would go to the same old place again.... MALAYSIA. haiz.... every year i go thr. it's quite fun but after a while it gets a bit boring. (: but i love going to miri (sarawak) they have loads of good food like malay kueh, kolo mee and their bur bur cha cha and chendol is very nice too! :D hehe. kk i better get back to doing my work. gd luck with ur holiday hw and cya! (: ^^
♥ Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Hey All!!! ^^ :D
the holidays have started along with our wonderful homework pile load.....D: thr is so much hw to do sighs..... i have only done some..... working on maths now. its quite hard an mind boggling but enough about that boring stuff (: i shall now post the pictures that some of u have been waiting for.... naomi and ws - zhi yang 's photos for u to steal ^^ happy? i finally got the time to load stuff in to my com.... and happy birthday to.... SHIN - june 8 and chih-yin- june 6. oh ya i have made another test for fun and this is the url...... http://scary.xm.com/ (: hope that u can try it. its really easy. =P on june 6! (: celebrated chih-yin's birthday..... went out with kah huan , shu mei, brenda, chih yin and me. (: we went to vivo city and spent the time walking around and playing with the water upstairs and suntan-ing. i also saw a woman colouring her hair thr. eeep. we sang the happy birthday song for chih-yin but she ran away while singing it halfway. D: kk gtg now write more soon (: tata.

zhiyang!!! (: here ya go ws u can go steal le.....

zhiyang with eyes closed...

zhiyang signing an autograph for someone

YAY!!!!! (: the star made by cy, me, brenda, kah huan and shu mei (: vivo city that day
♥ Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Hey All ^^ have been busy for the past few days so I have not been blogging. heheh sry! (: oh ya. adele I'll try to download the songs u want now. (: sry its so long already...... AHHHH omg i just checked mlg and there is so much hw to do :( kk gtg now must go for choir.... later then blog ^^ I <333 S1! (: