♥ Sunday, May 27, 2007
haiz..... =( I feel so sad T-T just came back from my GB camp :D AHHH I <3333 GB ^^ yea! :D lolz and i have come once again to revive my dead blog. hahaz. :) haiz.... found out that thr would not be any more Gb camp for this year. NOOOO!!!!!! HAIZZZZZZZZZZZZZ WHY LIKE THAT???? T-T i am going to die without the camps and crescent is not planning on having any camps either. :< the camp was very fun. :) but i will miss everyone that i won't be seeing until nxt year. ): my beloved juniors and seniors ): I am going to post pictures of the camp soon (: It totally rocked. (: hehheh sry for my lameness :D I finally realised how much trouble the seniors go through to plan the camp for us when i finally became on of them. Sadly, this year, there were only 5 seniors. Clare, Qingyi, Chin Wei, Kezia and me! On the first day of camp, Kezia and Chin wei planned this game where the 3 GB teachers were kidnapped and left in a horrible state. They put lipstick on them and messed the teachers' hair up
Naomi: eheheh i am really blind -.- i didnt see you ): nvm (: nxt time i see u in the NPCC uniform i will be sure to take wonderful photos of u! :D
YENLER: yo yo! :P how's ur holidays? (: i will give u the money the nxt time i cya. (:
♥ Saturday, May 19, 2007
Picture Post 2 ^^
Audition Blue! (: audi rox!

people do stars....we do the twist cross (:

Spiderman shot..... reveal who the true spidey fan is. =P

ahhhhh omg. the green man is flashin' i didnt see anything....

. janice, yiklam and i dunno who else :D

the strangers who lead me to marina square. =)

Clara (: one of the strangers who lead me to marina square

Eileen :D fiona's fwen

Fiona meiz.... (: weird pose though. WAIT that girl at the side izzit me? i dunno leh.

Eileen and the wei han bear/ the goong bear.

The bear is so damn cute!!!!!!! KAWAIIII (: <333

Fiona and me! (: chio mah? lol. jkjk only. :D i'm sure u're more chio than us. :D
is my camera that scary? D: oh cute pose. abigail. (: ah the goong bear always smiling :D
And now that you're near everything is different, everything's so Different i know i'm not the same my life you've changed iwanna be with you i wanna be with youHold me in your arms never let me go I wanna spend eternity with you
this is the....99th post. (: 1 more to 100. oh ya and my blog is 99. lol. today i went for tuition =.= then i went to church =D yes i LOVE ignyte. :D i reached church much more earlier than usual and by the time i reached thr my hp battery was at its worst. :( sigh then it just went off. D: sister ester is GONE for 2 weeks. haiz... but one day b4 she left i saw her at the yishun interchange than ytd i saw sister kim at City Hall MRT. =) haha then esther said that i am so weird see so many church leaders de. so sad ------ dont care about me anymore D: nvm i dun care le. Shall talk about the WONDERFUL yesterday now. :D hahaz. oh ya esther <33 color="#66cccc" size="5">18th May oh seven :D
let me hear you say hey hey hey!
hey hey hey
alrite now let me hear you say hey hey ho!
hey hey ho
I hate it when a guy doesnt get the door even though i told him yesterday and the day before
haha (: that song is nice.... avril lavigne's voice is so nice lor. :D agreed? yea silence means consent x) heheheh today was so fun but the super SAD thing was that i could not see naomi in NPCC uniform T-T sobxxx....sry naomi! then after school ended i walked to the redhill MRT with wan yu, janice, yik lam and zehra. :D then yik lam jie jie kept on talking about how the green man was FLASHING and then i scolded her for being sick but actually i think i'm worse :/ heheheh. so to take some pictures of them i pretended to walk faster and while they were happily talking, i just made a sudden turn and ...... SNAP! thr u go some nice candid camera shots.
:D Later I took the MRT to meet Fiona heeeeee. (: on the way thr fiona and abigail called me and said that we were not going to bugis but to marina square and so i took the mrt to marina bay. how stupid rite =.= the silly me who only knows the north area and parts of the west area well thought that marina square was at marina bay. haiz..... so stupid rite? the silly things i do but later thr will be more silly things that me and fiona do if you read on...... >=D muahahah . anyways i changed on the way to city hall later which is whr marina square really is. just telling u all so u wont become like me (a lao ren who has lao ren chi dai zheng! -_-") when i fianlly got to city hall i had to follow some friendly strangers who lead me to where me to whr marina square since i didnt know whr it was. they kept on telling me and pointing to the marina square sign on the sign board to reassure me that they did not cheat me. Lol (: then i finally met fiona and she was wearing a red jacket, OP mini skirt, pink glittery shirt and loads of accessories. (: yea. i asked whether my jies would like to come, wei shan, naomi, wan yu and lynn but they ALL rejected me T-T so, fiona's friends were there, abigail and eileen. k this post is starting ta get super long ah well D: must blog coz finoa force me de :( EVIL FIONA HEEEEE! then we ate at macs then we went to the arcade but eileen couldnt come bcoz she was wearing her school uniform. So we played the game where u use this grabber like thingy to grab the toy and i managed to get a pooh bear on my second try (: i'm good rites? the pics will appear later but if u are tired of reading u can scroll to the pics section. (: then we played the dance dance revolution game whr i have uploaded a video on youtube which is still being uploaded. then we played jungle safari oh and it as so scary with all the giant spiders flying on to the big screen and we had to shoot em. yep! then later abigail and eileen left together and me and fiona took neos (: haha. AND the most QI WO the part is that we picked 4 pics then somehow me and fiona select one of the pic and unselect until in the end dont have that pic so we only had 3 pics D: i'll scan it in soon FIONA. have patience (: then ah yes the EXXCITING PART HAS COME. xD the story of ME and Fiona. getting lost in MARINA SQUARE and suntec city. so after the neos we wanted to go home then we tried to find a way to get out of marina square to walk to city hall MRT and i shall tell u that the way to city hall is super long..... SPEED TRIP! so we walked to suntec city then tried to get to city link and then i said " AHH fiona i'm so tired D;" she said " dont say urself me also D;"then later we knelt down in the middle of the walkway coz we were so tired and i took a picture of it too (: i am the best photographer in the WORLD. haha zi kua le bah joey. lol. then fiona wanted to drink so we went first level of suntec and bought mango drink and wintermelon can drink. then after walking around in MANY MANY MANY CIRCLES, we reached marina square agn =.= see by now all our energy is drained and we dont sound too happy. then I asked a ang mo for directions then he led us out of the place which WE NOW HATE. SUNTEC CITY AND MARINA SQUARE. then we walked to city hall MRT which is still a long journey away. when we reached thr i had to throw away my manga drink and thus begins the quest for finding a dustbin which they dont have near the mrt coz they are scared that some will put a bomb thr and bomb up the place then i sat on the steps then fiona ran to find the dustbin. oh ya then i bought 2 necklaces which are together and say best friend. later when fiona reached the yio chu kang stop i ask her to quickly pick one and she took the best necklace so i have friend. haha. YAY I am finally done with my super long post. YAYYYYY!!!!!!! here are the pics!!!!!!!!!! <3333333333 (: :D

Janice and yik lam ( the twist!)

Zehra!! hi-5? -_-

walking in style to the MRT (:

wanyu laughs while yik lam and janice

US!! without me that is D: waiting for the green man to FLASH (: u know what that means! -_-
♥ Thursday, May 17, 2007
Picture Post >.<
Wanyu's bdae card :D

the "insides" of wanyu bdae card

ahhh desiree this pic of rain is for you (:

ah gong, do you have double eyelashes? eep ! >.<
me and janice jie jie and the Cute turtle (:
happy birthday wanyu! :D now is 12:03 am. see how "good" i am? haiz.....i am so tired now. going to sleep =.= zzzzzz
♥ Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Hey All!!! :D thx for reading my blog. haha. ok so today i bought some fahrenheit badges la. and guess what? THEY ONLY COST $1 for 3 leh. omgggggggg. so cheap rite? so if you are a FAHRENHEIT or dong shan zai qi fan, pls head to the nearest COMICS CONNECTION dian NOWWWWWWWW. :D FAHRENHEIT rox!!! whoo~ :D hahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha. ok that was lame. -_- ah wells i am lame mahs :D oh ya. thx everyone who took my test! :D even if u did not score high its ok. :D hmmm what else happened today? oh ya some other stuff happened today but i'll tell u tomorrow. (: and we had class discussion today but it did not work out that well...... T-T poor theng theng looked so stressed that i felt bad for her. Cheer up theng! u are a good chairman..... (: ahh what else do i have to say? better say tmr if not my mum will take a hanger and beat me coz she says that she is 80% angry with me and when she beats me with a hanger its very pain de T-T ahhh better go save myself b4 its too late.......
♥ Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Hey All!!! (: hahaz today was quite fun la (: haha. I'm thinking of bringing my cards tomorrow then we can play tai tee >=) haha. if i can find them that is -_-" i kinda misplaced lots of thing in my hse. its a mess. maybe I'll take a picture of my messy hse and let u see :D oh well..... we played 205, murderer, concentration, tarzan the monkey mabn and say say marcaroni or whatever that game is called. We made so much noise but the teacher did not really seem to care though but I think miss pham was a bit pissed off coz she left half an hour earlier than usual.
♥ Thursday, May 10, 2007
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHELLE CHIONG! :D heheheh i rmb ur birthday (:
♥ Friday, May 04, 2007
Haha. (: decided to change my skin. Since I finally have time. :D hehe. Will edit the profile later. :D I have been using the old skin for a few months liao so decided to change and I have linked everyone le. XD ah. Sat ah gong's car today after lit exam which was so tiring T-T I really hope that nobody in our class will fail. AHHH. yes. tomorrow is the buzz grp dinner. :D can't wait counting the hours and seconds....... (: and after exams we're going to watch SPIDERMAN 3 !!!!!!!! ah. that'll be so fun. I saw the trailer it's so cool spiderman turns evil and he gets this cool black suit. :D RAWR. kk got to go mum's nagging agn ): cya. :D
Hey all have not been posting much coz of mid yrs..... T-T ah. today was teh lit paper and it was 2hrs 10 min long... I slept for most of the paper :D haha. ARGHHHHHHH why are our mid yrs post exam activities MASS GARDENING and Pet Rocket =.= whyyyyy..... why can't we have mass party :D or maybe mass movie watching. ahhhh that would be nice. ^^ kk i better go b4 my mother finds out i've been using the COM
ps: gl for MYE XD
♥ Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Hey all! (: I received $ 200 from my parents today! muahaha they have finally paid me >=D YES muahahaha I am richer now..... ahh the money.... $-$ they took 3 mths to pay me lehs borrowed during CNY period . ^^ ahh anw I am happy to get the money. AHHHHHHH our Geography exam is coming in
2 days.... sigh have to study and maybe burn some midnight oil =.= I kept on dozing off this morning. eheheheh. I can't wait for the buzz dinner on saturday and I wonder which day I should go for the avivas thing that sheh hoon gave me .(: kk better go and immerse myself in the "wonderful" world of GEOGRAPHY. gd luck all for ur MYEswhat happened recently:
I did my english exam and wrote crap for the english compo
I did my maths re-retest and I hope that we'll all pass it :D
I paid $1 to the seniors for a cute water baby thing which is really nice to touch.... ^^