♥ Sunday, February 18, 2007
I am so happy :D so far I have not fought with my cousins and i have got hong bao from my zi po, zi gong, my grandpa, grandma and my parents. (: so far I have collected 220 RM. yes i know that is a small sum of money but at least i have money. $_$ i am money faced.... I also went to church with my cousins and their mother and my mother. it was kinda boring though i miss IGNYTE. D: oh well. I hope i can collect more money soon. $_$ enough to go shopping on wednesday! :D kk must go mum coming down
♥ Saturday, February 17, 2007
Hey all (: i took a long long journey to malaysia but b4 that i went to E2MAX yesterday!!! :D YEA Man i love e2max there were 5 computers there and 1 Xbox. :D we played for a long time than we took neoprints! (: oh they were great with 9 ppl in it. but later i took another one with bernie and elaine :D i can't wait for wednesday when me and belinda go out. (: so happy. ok now back to the topic about malaysia. it was a super long journey but for most of the journey i was sleeping. ^^ i did sms my friends though and listened to some music in my phone and i also took some pictures of myself :D YEA!! pictures will come when i get back see ya! :D happy CNY to all (:
I feel so cheated... ): i can't believe what _____ did to me. she told me that she would not reply ____ but she did. ): she even made a deal with me not to write to ___. i just can't believe it. _____ said that there would be rude words in the ___ but thr are no rude words in the ____ i feel so like cheated. i feel as sad as desiree felt when ___ wrote to ____. but at least desiree' ___ (____) did not reply ___. ARGH i feel so angry with ___ why did she cheat me ? ): and why does everyone love ____ so mnay ppl write to ____. ARGH ARGH ARGh i am so like mutating. ):
♥ Wednesday, February 14, 2007
70!!! (:TODAY IS VALENTINE'S DAY!!! ((: and because of common test v-day is extended. its until friday ((: so i have enough time to buy presents (: thanks mun yee,chih-yin,siya,shu zhen, hui zhen,yenler and jessica khoo for the presents! ^^to my angels: I hope u like ur present even though its not much. to everyone: HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!i can't wait to go to E2 MAX on friday! hahaz will finally be able to see my old classmates. I am so happy that our school is finally letting us have half-day. i will post some pictures soon (:
♥ Sunday, February 11, 2007
HELLO ^^ i went for swimming lessons today. so tiring we did the caterpillar where we all line up behind each other and swim one after another so tiring must swim and swim and swim ): but i finally beat xin yang in swimming 10 laps :DDDD so happy and jessica i am so sorry for what i have done. but what did i do that made u angry? )): sry. ARGHHHHHHHH i have chinese common test tomorrow hope i wont doze off halfway . :/ kk must go and study for it see all of u soon! :D
♥ Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Hey all today was fun! :D but still boring yea.. I wonder why chih-yin loves to pretend to be chelsea then when i say why u pretend to be chelsea she says WHAt PRETEND !!!! I am chelsea." :D(: i am so poor today . )): only got 50cents today. I saved the 50 cents for lunch hoping to buy chee chiong fan but they were sold out ): sigh feeling so sad lor did not have anything to eat. then mun yee said u noe joey thr is such a thing called borrowing ok? but i dont want to borrow coz its like so bad feel so paiseh i owe chih yin money though because she lent me some money. I need to bang my head somewhere forgot to get allowance from dad /BANG!!! . ok that was lame -_-" Lynn bought dessert today and asked chih yin, mun yee, glenda and michelle and me to finish with her and she had like so many spoons and straws. then she walked away and me and chih yin were like ok..... then LYNN came back with a milkshake and i said if u cant finish the dessert why do u still buy another thing then chih yin said exactly. shu zhen gave me sweets:DD and chih yin gave me fruittips the other day :D i really need to give my angels more sweets. (: have not been giving them sweets lately *slaps* myself i feel so guilty LOL . i am so sry chuxuan and jollin and lixin and ariel that i could not go for the concert D: feel so sad. (: anyway all the best ! Desiree rocks (: she was feeling down today ): hope she is better now :D
♥ Monday, February 05, 2007
Hey All (: Today was a nice day! :DDDD actually nth much really happened. :D i cant wait till Y= MX+C day my church will be celebrating V-Day on the 10th :D and the theme is Y=MX+C. :DDDDD i think i am mutating....... ARGH!!!! anyway been a good gal and done my hw i am thinking of changing my blogskin coz the tagbox is like SOOOO small. did not go to 2S1 today ))): feeling sad. :DDDD Had English common test today D: sigh i hope we are having peer leading session tomorrow though :DLabels: the jojo master ME joey :D
♥ Friday, February 02, 2007

Adele's hp (:

our 30 cents chocolate ^^

Yay!!! (: finally got the thing to work (: here are the pics




the fries that we have finished :D
Hey all ((: I feel so tired and sleepy had a great day today took the train and bus with Wei Shan and Adele.We ate fries at macdonalds and took pictures with our handphones.(: sadly i dont have a card adaptor and card reader.): sigh. I played Rally 3D with adele and she kept on winning me !!!! ): haha but it was quite fun.We also played snake 3 but it was so boring we kept on knocking into each other and get disconnected. Then they asked me to sing the my sassy neighbour song so i sang it and the laughed like crazy. Then we went to Uncle Tidbit and bought this 30 cent wheel and ate it (: if i manage to upload the pics u can see (: I feel so happy they finally changed the class blog back to the one that me and desiree had done (: everything is back!!! (: kk i must write letter and do hw now see u (: