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Monday, January 29, 2007

YAY!!!! ((: I got into choir :D sigh sigh i must help lynn!! she always forget to hand up hw and bring things better sms her. she always passing letters in class with belinda i also dunno why i ask her copy the chinese questions she say later than do coz she say she can copy very fast i guess she has learnt the maths b4 coz she says its boring coz she learn b4 but for chinese i dont know D:oh ya i took two rubber bands from my house today and shoot chuxuan (: yea she says she wants to take revenge D: today was an average day......:D bought teenage le (: got rain and fergie poster inside but fergie just looks so weird not like she normally does cant wait for tomorrow (: ahhhh must buy things for my angels what should i buy? nvm better buy soon b4 its too late :DDDD wishing all a happy day and happy belated bdae to lixin

Blogged @ 6:21 PM
Thursday, January 25, 2007

Hey all !!! Had a good day today gave letters and sweets to angels and u noe sth i dunno why but chu xuan and siya are calling me a STALKER!!!!(: coz they think that everywhere they go i am thr so they say its very scary and i found out hui yan's weakness >:) tickling hui yan's neck!!! :DDDD and chu xuan tried to use a rubber band to hit me D: sobb I gonna bring a rubber band tomorrow and hit her :D yes i noe thats childish but yea haha :D oh ya i noticed that whenever i come behind chih-yin and tap her she gets a shock and will go like this "AHHHH" lol wonder why.HAd boring PBL today D: sighin' oh and sigh must do hw now byez (:

Blogged @ 6:56 PM
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Hiiexxxx all (: had a nice day today went to 2S1 for a short while ): sigh... nvr talk much sad oh ya and so qiao today i slept in 132 today and when i woke up i tot i missed the stop but actually i didnt so i looked at the 132 route thiing and found out that instead of oversleeping and missing the stop i supposed to stop at like i normally do i actually "underslept" and did not miss the stop and got off so silly rites very -_-" also anyways later i got on the 132 and i found regine and 1S1 classmates inside at the 2nd level of the bus :D aint that gd then they were like JOEY!!!!!! then i was like HELLO!!! :D they were on the bus coz of canoeing and they are going maritche reservoir :DDDD anyways have been a gd gal and almost do finish hw le :D now must write letter bb all i go watch tv and write letter :DDD

Blogged @ 6:54 PM
Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Hey all (:Feeling happy today received letter from my angel (: and pankhurst Rox yea yea (; we may be little but we're strong aye' and changed behind the cupboard doors today and bought my black marker and finished the art (: YAY sadly my blog can't have coloured ink sobbx ): but i'm happy chinese hw must do AHHHHH feeling stressed the chi hw is like so hard HAIZ.... kk bye

Blogged @ 8:23 PM
Monday, January 22, 2007

Hey All i have hit the BIG 60!!!! (: YEA!!! anyway today i had choir trials and all the teacher said at the end was not bad i wonder whether i'll get in.... and wrote letters to my angel and stayed in the 2S1 class for a while have not been there for ages sadly 0: anyway i also saw the seniors filming some videos today >:) yea desiree,me,chermaine and some others saw them filming (: they were acting like chickens yea and we also saw ariel acting like a ghost hehe (: oh ya then mun yee saw us seeing her acting like a chicken and she was like " OH MY GOODNESS!!!" and she covered her face haha (:


Blogged @ 11:14 PM
Friday, January 19, 2007

Testriffic IQ test
(: my IQ it aint tat gd ):

Blogged @ 11:21 PM

Hey all feeling bored so i decided to play with colours (: anyways toaday was great we had our house day and we all learnt our house cheers YEA pankhurst RAWKS!!!! and our captain and vice captain are actually twins (: and poor hui zhen was sick today and i did not go 2S1 again today oh no i feel so sad inside ): did not see my seniors SIGH SIGH SIGH ): anyway the house cheers were great!!! 1S1 pankhurst classmates(us) were screaming so loud that the other classes called us lame i mean what did we do wrong just bcoz we r enthu does not mean tat they must say we r lame i feel saddened anyway i did not get any letters today either feelin sad ): 1S1 tried not saying anything for one cheer and it seemed quite soft. i guess our ears have some problem hahaz better practice the cheer but some cheers i am not sure of . (: oh ya ALL HOUSES ROX(:kk see u all (:

Blogged @ 10:25 PM
Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Hey All having a great time at CGS the seniors are great and the school is nice too. (: anyway having a hard time with my homework sigh have some overdue ones hahaz. ^^I have also explored MLG and have found some new stuff (: we also have this family called have not thought a name yet. but there is guai kia(me) chio bu mummy(xin yi) prince charming kia(angela)rain kia(desiree)johnny depp kia(lynn)pai kia(sheh hoon) peeing station kia>:)(jeralyn)beverley hills kia(beverly) and a lot more kias haha kk i must write to my angel le bye (:

Blogged @ 6:26 PM
Sunday, January 14, 2007

AHHHHHH the home work is piling up on me i feel sad ): sigh so much hw *faints* took the train with shu zhen (: the journey was so long on friday (: i feel so bored its like i have nth to say i guess i should go do hw now (: and the CCA registration :D

Blogged @ 12:05 PM
Friday, January 12, 2007

:DDDDD hello all we had english diagnostic test today and i practically wrote nonsense. I actually wrote a love story!!! WADS UP WITH ME?????? and i did not write it properly sighz we met our computer studies teacher, miss shervon yak she's nice (: and our CME teacher is Mr Choy Chee Chiong and Shin asked him if he eats CHEE CHIONG FAN . (: haha I went for the CCA orientation today (: and collected lotsa souveiniers i like the badminton one its like so cute lor ariel likes it too (: she ask me get octopus and some souveiniers then the ppl at the booth say i cannot take 2 coz they scared not enough ): (: my classmates and I went around and got pulled by our seniors (: they want us to join their CCA then some even say dont steal our customers hahaz(: i wonder what CCA i should join....kk i must go do com science survey see u (:

Blogged @ 9:12 PM
Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Sigh... must do chinese hw !_! so hard de 0: some more so many pages so sian today hui yan nvr come my class give letter and she say she postman of the month ): !!!! i wonder what i should give my angel ?_? i give them sweets bah i got lotsa sweets at home (: sweets so nice (: oh man i also got science hw ARGH can this day get any worse and i left some hw in the desk !!!! why am i so forgetful i tried to buy geography files today but they have not enough for me so i ordered them and the woman say she'll call me tomorrow (: my friend from yishun sec sch says she is 3 subject reps and i think that 1. she's lying 2. why so many? sigh she is taking up too much responsibility i scared she cannot handle o well (: shu zhen and hui zhen be happy u get sweets tomorrow (: oh ya and ariel,ming xuan, jollin and hui zhen came to our class today (: and ariel sang for us her voice is so nice (: she sang one song solo ^^ and then later jollin sang a bit shes quite gd too (: so sad she nvr sing the second song with ariel, ming xuan, lynn and agnes and hui zhen also ARGh why they nvr sing somemore hui zhen was mouthing the words also . T.T thx for reading my rants today (:

Blogged @ 5:16 PM
Tuesday, January 09, 2007

I feel so dumb ): i dont even noe how to do my geography home work ): and i left my chinese workbook in class whats my problem but i am happy coz my classmates say tomorrow dun need ta pass up the chinese hw yay (: i went to see the seniors again but there were only four of them in the class and the band was like SOOO noisy lor gimme headache the seniors asked us to close the door coz noisy then hui yan give xin yi, desiree and i a chinese lesson she was like u all cannot join band bcoz they are so noisy and u dont want ppl to hate u rite? so dont join u understand? then we were like yea sadly she couldnt help me with the evil geography !!! !_! sigh and i'm the geog rep . ._. oh ya and i sat on 132 today and all the chairs looked so funny lor it was like so cozy so diff from normal 132 and it was playing some music on the rect. tv and asking us to on bluetooth to get it fer free i wish i brought my hp ): watching the arena now... the first pair were quite ok while the for the second pair , the gal was so funny while the short and small cute boy was so feirce anyway i support the second boy he does have lots of points during the grp round the raffles boys were so evil to the loyang gals saying that their points are flawed thus making the gals forget what they want to say those poor gals and for the final round the last girl was quite good but i'd say that the last boy was better than her therefore RI would win ): if only the girls were better

Blogged @ 7:14 PM
Monday, January 08, 2007

Sigh i so sianz i think that d&t is very boring i nearly slept during the lesson today ): anyway i didn't go for the sports trials today coz i nvr bring attire (: after lunch deborah, sheh hoon and I went to visit our seniors (: they are so nice to us ^^ kk i have to go do my D&T hw now =.= sigh..... bye

Blogged @ 4:42 PM
Friday, January 05, 2007

Hey All :) today we had our campfire in our school and it was great!!!! ^^ We practiced our cheer again and again until the seniors :D were happy. then later we did our cheer at the campfire . after we finish we thought we were good but in the end we did not get anything :'( sobbbx anyway it was fun being CRAZY and BIMBOTIC hahaz (: GOOOO S1!!!! YEA!!! (: Sorry Seniors .... (:

Blogged @ 10:32 PM
Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Hey All ! (: had my first day of school today.... the first part was kinda boring yea hehhe but i the rest of it was ok (: and i feel much better in my school uniform now ^^ yea! but i couldn't find ai ling today i wonder where she is. Made some new friends today. (: Then later we had cheering practice for friday's campfire. I also saw fiona teo's bus friend there she is Sec 3 this year and she is a peer leader ^^ Her name is rebecca (:I had a nice swim today in the pool too! all is well!(:


Blogged @ 7:40 PM
Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Hi All! (: School is starting tomorrow ): sigh.... I sure miss 6G a lot wish we could meet up one day that would be great (: I am taking school bus I hope someone I know will be on the bus (: Oh Well All the best 6G!

Blogged @ 4:01 PM